
Smooth Jayy
1 min readAug 17, 2021


You have to prepare yourself for everything. At any given time someone can betray you and what you do with that betrayal will be what defines you. Learn to let go of what you’re afraid to lose.

Unfortunately they will always hold you accountable for the treacherous conditions they put you in and expect you to not lose yourself. You have to be strong, you have to stay committed. Committed to God, your craft and yourself. Remove yourself from anyone who causes confusion and chaos in your life.

Take everything personal. The way this world is headed everyone is very aware of their actions and how it makes others feel. They mean the harm they bring and if you keep convincing yourself of what is not then you’re just as much of a coward as they are.

Hold people accountable and make them earn your love and respect. Those are things that this generation gives so freely and that is why we’re all seeking isolation and violence. Pay attention to everything and everyone around you. Don’t get comfortable.

When someone shows you their true colors don’t try and repaint the picture of them with the image you’d like them to be. Practice saying “NO”. It’s hard at times when you’re a good person and you want to make everyone happy. But that isn’t your responsibility nor is it your problem.

Expect nothing, appreciate everything. Love who loves you and never apologize for choosing yourself first.



Smooth Jayy

God Fearing Young-Adult Writer/Poet. My work consists of Passion, purpose and patience. Put your hands on these words and feel what I’m saying.