Letting Go

Smooth Jayy
1 min readFeb 14, 2022


It’s hard, when the thing we’re told to do for the things we want is what we must not do if it’s not good for us. Confusing right? I never understood it until recently. I recently have been in a few situations that I thought would be my miracle but turned out being a massacre.

I made mistakes, I bit temptations treat. without a doubt it poisoned me. I never knew it could be like this. One minute you’re constantly thinking about them hoping they’re thinking about you, next you’re hoping you never see them or cross your mind as long as you live.

But as I go on with my life I have learned a few things. You can overcome anything you're willing to put in work towards. To let go of anything that is holding you back from your full potential. To never fall in love with potential.



Smooth Jayy

God Fearing Young-Adult Writer/Poet. My work consists of Passion, purpose and patience. Put your hands on these words and feel what I’m saying.